The Caracal (Felis caracal)

The Caracal (Felis caracal) The Caracal (Felis caracal): is a medium-sized wild cat that can run up to 50 miles per hour and capable of leaping into the air and knocking down (10-13) birds at once. The name caracal is derived from a Turkish word “Karakulak” meaning “black ear”. The old saying “to put the […]

African Leopards (Panthera pardus)

African Leopards (Panthera pardus) African Leopards (Panthera pardus): are one of the most feared but respected animals in the world and in Uganda; it is called Ngo (Luganda tribe) also one of the 52 totems of Buganda, Eris (Iteso tribe) and Engwe (Bakonjo tribe). Leopards are big cats known for their golden, spotted bodies and […]

The Standard-winged nightjar

The Standard-winged nightjar The Standard-winged nightjar : (caprimulgus longipennis) is a nocturnal bird and of the more impressive members of the Caprimulgid family. This true nightjar specie breeds in dry savannah habitat of central Africa and it is related to other nightjars in terms of breeding strategies, roosting, feeding habits and vocalizations as well. During […]

The Bat cave in Maramagambo forest

The Bat cave in Maramagambo forest The Bat cave in Maramagambo forest:  you have a great experience to the bat caves that are tucked in the Maramagambo forest in Queen Elizabeth National Park. Maramagambo forest is an extensive tropical rainforest which lies in the southern part of Queen Elizabeth National Park in the far west […]

Nkugute Crater Lake Uganda

Nkugute Crater Lake Uganda Nkugute Crater Lake Uganda: located in Rubirizi District in Uganda and it is a place of mystery, with a history that goes back to tales shared around campfires by the locals in the villages that surround it. The boundaries of Lake Nkugute seen from a hill that borders the lake look […]

The Sitatunga Antelope

The Sitatunga Antelope The Sitatunga Antelope: or Marsh buck (Tragelaphus spekii) is a rare swamp-dwelling antelope that can be found in many countries of Africa but rarely seen due to its elusive behavior. The sitatunga is confirmed to marshy and swampy habitats and they occur in tall and dense vegetation as well as seasonal swamps, […]

Africa’s amazing waterfalls

Africa’s amazing waterfalls Africa’s amazing waterfalls : Africa is not only renowned and famous for its breathtaking scenery and some amazing wildlife, but also waterfalls, which symbolizes life for the African people. With its interminable water flow, dropping down multiple levels and throwing up glorious spray, which acts like continual rain creating abundant life and […]

The Black- and- White -casqued hornbill

The Black- and- White -casqued hornbill The Black-and-White-casqued hornbill : also known as the Grey-cheeked hornbill (Bycanistes subcylindricus) are fairly large and mainly black hornbills with white lower backs and rumps, upper and under tail-covers, thighs, bellies and vents. The central pair of the flight feathers on the tail is all black (rectrices), while the […]

Kasubi Tombs ranks N0. 1

Kasubi Tombs ranks N0. 1 Kasubi Tombs ranks N0.1 : nestled on Kasubi hill in Buganda kingdom, located in the central region of the country Uganda. They occupy a 27 hectare site that has been used by the Buganda for its Royal Tombs since the 13th century and represents the spiritual heart of the Buganda […]

Sipi falls “The three waterfalls”

Sipi falls “The three waterfalls” Sipi falls “The three waterfalls” : is the most incredible and wonderful waterfall in the eastern part of Uganda, Kapchorwa district in the northeast of Mbale and Sironko and approximately 276 kilometers from Kampala, capital of Uganda. The glorious falls were named after the Sipi River which in turn was […]