Bigodi wetland sanctuary

Bigodi wetland sanctuary Bigodi wetland sanctuary : is a fascinating area, located within Magombe swamp near Kibale National Park, 6 kilometers away from Kanyanchu Information Center in Kibale district. The name Bigodi is a Rutooro word derived from Kugodya and it is translated as “to walk wearily”. It is known to be more of a […]

Top most visited places in Uganda

Top most visited places in Uganda Top most visited places in Uganda : also known as the pearl of Africa is a safe and enthralling place, a land where lions laze in the acacias and hippos hump through the wetlands and has misty hills that houses gorillas & chimpanzees in a land of rain-stained forests. […]

The African Jacana (Actophilornis africanus)

The African Jacana (Actophilornis africanus) The African jacana (Actophilornis africanus) : is a wader in the family jacanidae, also known as “Lily walkers” because of their slender legs and toes that gives them the gracefulness to walk on the lily pads that blanket their wetlands. The specie is found in sub-Saharan Africa in countries like […]

Mountain Moroto in Uganda

Mountain Moroto in Uganda Mountain Moroto in Uganda : is the highest mountain in the Karamoja region and adjacent to the town of Moroto in Moroto district, Karamoja, Northern Uganda and located against the border of Kenya’s Turkana region. The native name for this mountain was “Moru-To” meaning the western mountain and it was named […]

River Tarangire Tanzania

River Tarangire Tanzania River Tarangire Tanzania : also known as “river of warthogs” is a perennial river located in the Eastern branch of the East African Rift Valley, within Northern Tanzania in East Africa. Its headwaters are found in the escarpments and highlands of Dodoma region in Kondoa district and Manyara region in Babati district. […]

Mountain Kilimanjaro Tanzania

Mountain Kilimanjaro Tanzania Mountain Kilimanjaro Tanzania :  also known as the “mountain of greatness” is a dominant volcano in Tanzania. It is the highest peak on the African continent and the world’s tallest free standing mountain. A number of theories exist about the meaning and the origin of the name Mountain Kilimanjaro. One theory is […]

The great wildebeest migration in East Africa

The great wildebeest migration in East Africa The great wildebeest in East Africa : migration has no beginning and end point because it is a circular migration that moves in a clockwise route holding over a million plus animals across the Serengeti- Mara. The continuous movement is as a result of prompt rain or following […]

Pemba Island in Tanzania

Pemba Island in Tanzania Pemba Island in Tanzania : also known as “Jazirat al-khudrah” in Arabic literally meaning the green island and also known as “Pemba Kisiwa” in Swahili is a Tanzanian island forming part of the Zanzibar Archipelago, lying within the Swahili coast in the Indian Ocean in its capital Chake-Chake. The island is […]

The Saline Lake Manyara

The Saline Lake Manyara The Saline Lake Manyara : lies in the Northern Tanzania, west of Arusha in the Eastern rift valley, the seventh-largest lake in the country with a surface area of 470km2 and was formed as a result of the great rift valley. The lake’s name is believed to be based on a […]

Ngorongoro Crater Lake Tanzania

Ngorongoro Crater Lake Tanzania Ngorongoro Crater Lake Tanzania : The crater is a large caldera of a volcano that collapsed about three million years ago to a depth of over 600 meters. It was named by the Maasai after the sound made by a cowbell “Ngoro Ngoro” and it is the largest caldera in the […]