Uganda’s hidden Cultural treasure

Uganda’s hidden Cultural treasure Uganda’s hidden Cultural treasure : The Sezibwa River is a river in central Uganda in East Africa and derived its name from the Luganda phrase “sizibwa kkubo”, which translates to “my path cannot be blocked” and this the locals say is because its flow could not be stopped even with different […]

The birder’s paradise Uganda

The birder’s paradise Uganda The birder’s paradise Uganda : Uganda is well known for being the Africa’s premier birding destination with over 1000 species. Many of these birds live only in th tropical forests with rare sightings being described as “mythical” while it is believed that some of the birds living in the remote forests […]

Uganda’s commonest historical sites

 Uganda’s commonest historical sites Uganda’s commonest historical sites : Uganda has been rebounding from many ordeals and is now becoming a thriving nation which can showcase its rich history and natural beauty. Apart from national parks, Lakes and waterfalls, Uganda has got a lot of tourist attractions and below are some of the historical sites […]

Facts about the African Antelopes

Facts about the African Antelopes Facts about the African Antelopes : The term “antelopes” is used to refer to many species of even-toed ruminant indigenous to various regions in Africa; that is to say, an antelope is a deer-like mammal found in Africa, Asia and also parts of the America. African Antelopes are one of […]

Uganda’s attractive waterfalls

 Uganda’s attractive waterfalls Uganda’s attractive waterfalls :  Aruu falls is situated in Pader district in Angagura sub-county, 55km northeast of Gulu along Gulu-Kitgum High way. Aruu falls in an impressive and pavilion cascade waterfall, 250m wide comprising of five different streams that flow westwards down a series of moss-covered rocks on a tributary of the […]

Entebbe “the charming city”

Entebbe “the charming city” Entebbe “the charming city” : The city derives its name from the Luganda phrase “entebbe za Mugula” literally meaning ‘Headquarters’. Entebbe was the capital city of Uganda during the colonial era and it stands on the Lake Victoria shore a few hundred metres north of the equator and only 40km south […]

Mparo Royal Tombs Uganda

Mparo Royal Tombs Uganda Mparo Royal Tombs Uganda : These tombs are one of the most treasured historical sites in Hoima district, in the western Region Uganda and unique among the royal tombs in Uganda. Sitting on an expansive land along Hoima-Masindi Road that used to host the palace of Kabalega, it remains peaceful, beautiful […]


Pangolins Pangolins : Pangolins have large, protective keratin scales covering their skin and they live in hollow trees or burrows, depending on the species. Pangolins are the only world’s mammals with keratin scales covering the whole body. The word pangolin comes from the Malay word ‘Pengguling’ which means ‘one who rolls up’. Pangolins roll up […]

Walumbe Tanda Pits

Walumbe Tanda Pits Walumbe Tand Pits: comprises of around 240 pits scattered in a 10ha rectangle of ancient forest and some of the pits are quite shallow, narrow while others are deep. Legend holds that this shady enclave served as the stage for much of the formative earthly action whereby the rock shelters only 500m […]

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